*I don't know where my son has gone,,,he has officially lost his mind!! Out of nowhere,he has become an insane toddler with his own demands and is constantly pushing the limits and checking his boundaries,,this is sooo fun,,,righttt,,,for instance,in the past WEEK he has decided:
He doesnt feel like sitting in the shopping cart anymore,running everywhere is so much more fun,and when you put him back in,he SCREAMS like a banchee,and of course I can't give into him,so everyone stares at me with this look on there face like "you poor thing".
When He is about to do something he KNOWS is a no-no, he turns around and stares at you as he does it,,kind of like he's testing you..If i tell him no,he immediately throws himself in the floor and cries until he forgets what he was mad about,,if Keith's home and tells him no,he laughs and does it again,,he knows who the pushover is! lol
He decided it's great fun to hide things like leggos and my flip-flops in drawers, the toilet,the dryer,,all kinds of fun places!
He has started running,and that has been lovely! He never wants to held,he just wants to run as fast as he can everywhere he goes,,he is pretty quick too!
He has decided I am not allowed to feed him with a spoon,,he must do it himself,even if that means a nose full of sweet potatoes...
*But,on a lighter side,he has started doing some amazingly adorable things,as well, to make up for his mischief!
We had carpet cleaners come today, and one of the guys was sitting at our table writing out the receipt, Kruise ran up to him and grabbed his pants leg and said HI,,then ran off got his favorite book and handed it to him,,then carried his elmo chair in there and gave him that too,,,it was adorable,,everytime someone would come in from outside he would yell "HI" and then "BYE BYE" when they left,,he's learning manners! woohoo!
I got him this farm animal book that has these puzzle pieces with knobs that he can pick up,and I'll take them all out,and ask him where is the puppy? the pig? the duck? and he'll pick up the correct ones and drop them where they go (or at least close!) lol,,he's so smart!
Today I asked if he wanted to go outside and see the puppies,and he said "mmhmm" and ran to the door and tried to turn the doorknob,,it was sooo cute! we went outside and he giggled while the dogs licked his hand and said "puppy!" over and over,, love it
If you ask him if he's hungry, instead of yes he says "MMMMMmm" and if he wants a drink he asks for his "boppy" ,, no idea where that came from!
He likes to pick up legos,books,whatever and walk around the house with it up to his ear and "talk" like he's on the phone
He blows kisses to pretty ladies :)
He plays peek-a-boo with his hands over his eyes,and will cover up your eyes and play too!
There's a million other awesome things he does everyday,but there's only so much time in a day!!